Amazon DynamoDB Serves Trillions Of Requests Per Month While Counterpart SimpleDB Is No Longer A Listed Product On AWS

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An Amazon executive said today at AWS re:Invent that NoSQL database DynamoDB now serves trillions of requests per month to its users. The news is in contrast to SimpleDB, another AWS NoSQL database, which  is no longer listed on AWS product page, a sign that the world’s largest cloud service is phasing it out in favor of its newer counterpart.

Amazon’s James Hamilton, speaking today at the conference, presented a slide that showed the growth of the service, increasing from 1.2 trillion requests in February to about 2.2 trillion in October.  And that’s just in one region.

DynamoDB, launched in 2012, has shown that it is a real contender in the NoSQL database market. It has value for a few reasons. It runs on SSD, making it screaming fast, and it is relatively simple to use. It is designed for high-performance, Internet-scale applications.

Until recently, AWS listed SimpleDB along with its other databases: Amazon RDS, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon ElastiCache and Amazon Redshift. These days,  it is only accessible if you know where to find it or do a search.


AWS launched SimpleDB in 2007, and it has proven to be effective for users who do not have the high-performance demands that come with Internet-scale services.

Amazon DynamoDB is tearing up the market – emerging as a real threat to other NoSQL providers such as MongoDB, Cassandra and other services.

As for SimpleDB, AWS could not be reached for comment about the future of the database. But it’s likely it will be some time before it gets phased out.

Update: An AWS spokesperson said there are no pland for deprecating SimpleDB and added that new cusotmers sign up for the service every day.

DynamoDB is showing that it has the usage to be one of the top NoSQL database services in the cloud services market.

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