Web Graphics

Your organization has spent a lot of time and money in branding to display themselves a specific way. Your website should follow through with this brand recognition. Not doing so only creates confusion among your viewers. Images play strongly into your brand and should be styled accordingly; being consistent with colors, tones, and styles. But don’t think of only photographs, info graphics are a great way to engage customers by sharing knowledge. We know this is a lot to think about and we realize that not everyone is trained to work in media. Good thing we are here to help you with your media issues.

Snapping a photograph on your phone and putting it on your website seldom looks the same as when a professional photographer takes the same image. Despite the technology advancements in cell phones and cameras, you still need to have some understanding of how images work and how to create them. This is not for everyone…and that’s ok. You can go back to doing what it is you do best, running your company and taking care of your clients and let us handle your web graphics and print media needs.


Ultimately are goal is to help you succeed and if we get to make images along the way, that is awesome as well. Whether it is working with web graphics or print media, we have some specific goals.

Clear Communication

Images should never confuse your business’s’ audience, but aid to help tell a story. If an image does not communicate clearly, entice the viewer to form a bond, or display information it should not be used.


Everything your business does either adds or subtracts from your brand identity. Don’t let your visual aids take away from this. Our aim is to provide consistent imagery, tones, styles, and communication to your audience.


You are a professional and your website and marketing materials should represent that. Bad images that are out of focus, pixelated ,  or not styled correctly take away from the professionalism that you have worked hard to create. We will create images that add to your professional demeanor.


The whole reason that you work so hard on the firs three steps is increase engagement with your current and potential customers. Well planned and designed media catches the viewer’s eye and opens them up to what you have to say. The more you engage with other humans the more relationships you are able to build.


We will make sure that every image and info graphic that we create fits your organizational branding that you have worked hard to create. You aren’t that far along yet with your organization. We can help you with that as well. We can help you create a brand that communicates your business to the world.

Marketing Material

Our skill set is able to go outside of your website. We are also able to create images and info graphics for social media and for print. Ask us how we can help you with your marketing materials.

To learn more about AhelioTech’s media services, contact us or dial (614) 333-0000 to speak with a member of our team.